What's New

Business Green Expo in Carlsbad

Business Green Expo in Carlsbad – Come out and show your support for your local green businesses in your community. We will have a booth at the annual Business is Green expo in Carlsbad coming up, Thursday, March 7, 2013 at the Carlsbad by the sea resort and conference center (formally known as the windmill). Read More

Trapping Pocket Gophers on The Golf Course

Trapping Pocket Gophers on The Golf Course – These illusive landscape pests can destroy your golf course before you know it if you don’t act fast. There are many things out there for gopher control (some good some bad) but what I feel is one of the safest and most effective ways is to trap Read More

Website Redesign!

We recently redesigned our site to offer you more information about pest control and how to keep your environment beneficial bug friendly. Please visit our What’s New page to keep informed.

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